I have been wanting to study the Old Testament Biblical holidays for quite some time but I wanted to wait until Gess was old enough to really get something out of it. Now that she is, I am anxious for the new year to begin. See, besides simply studying the holidays, we are going to actually observe them! From January to December we will do each holiday as it takes place. In fact we are going to observe some of the non-biblical Jewish holidays as well. We are using the book A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays to help us navigate what to do. They have lots of great information and many fun games, activities, and crafts to go along with them. There aren't really any festivals at the very beginning of our year. They don't really get started to until the spring. It is pretty much Spring and Fall, with just a couple in the winter. You can see the chart on the back of the book that explains when they are. We also plan on observing the Sabbath, or should I say S...