Riding Her Trike
Gess has had trouble riding a traditional bicycle. She just doesn't seem to have the core strength or coordination to pedal, steer, and keep the bike steady. Training wheels helped some but she really tried to lean on them too much, especially when she got tired. My husband was attempting to make a recumbent bike for her but it was a tedious task with the materials he had access to and our budget simply didn't allow for us to buy one.
Then God surprised us with the neatest hand-me down gift ever! Some dear friends at church blessed us with this large tricycle. The seat was a little worn but her daddy crafted her a new one and it was good to go. Now she can pedal and steer without trying to also balance her body! She will still have to work on her stamina as she tires after a short ride, but she can ride! I am so happy! Thank you Lord and thank you friends for giving us this new toy!
Then God surprised us with the neatest hand-me down gift ever! Some dear friends at church blessed us with this large tricycle. The seat was a little worn but her daddy crafted her a new one and it was good to go. Now she can pedal and steer without trying to also balance her body! She will still have to work on her stamina as she tires after a short ride, but she can ride! I am so happy! Thank you Lord and thank you friends for giving us this new toy!