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End the R-Word Campaign
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Today is the national Campaign to Spread the Word to end the Word in the hopes of convincing people to stop using the words retard and retarded as an adjective for things, or people, they do not like. Freedom of speech is important and powerful and with that freedom comes responsibility. We have the responsibility to make our words matter and to make them meaningful. Using speech to harm or hurt a segment of society that has done nothing to deserve such criticism is wrong, immoral and unacceptable. In our world of political correctness I find it difficult to understand why this word continues to be acceptable by so many people. People need to realize that every time you use the R word you are hurting people who have very little recourse or ways to defend themselves. So please, think before you speak. Think about how you can use words to build others up, not tear them down. Use words that will empower those who are weak, not simply make yourself feel strong at their expense. Your words truly affect people when you use them so choose your words wisely. If you want to make someone feel different, if you want your words to impact others, there is a way. This video will show you the power of your words. Which ones will you choose to use, words that hurt or words that heal? The choice is yours.
You know chore charts are not just for children. As I have been struggling trying to keep the house work up among all my summer activities, homeschooling projects, exercise, blogging, church activities and other every day life events I realized that I needed a hand. Since Gess is getting older and taking on more responsibility I though it was a good time to put some order into her routine of helping. Then Chelsie gave me a great idea that she uses. By breaking up my weekly chores into daily tasks I don't have to give up an entire day to nothing but cleaning house! Taking her idea and breaking up the daily chores I came up with the following list. There is one for each of us and an extra one that goes beyond the standard chores. It's the stuff we do at least once a week to keep our house neat and clean. What I love about it is that if something happens on that one day I had set aside to clean the house, it doesn't mean that my entire house get...
One thing my daughter loves to do (like most other kids) is spend time on the computer. One of our favorite websites is . It is a free educational sight that not only teaches reading but the kids really seem to enjoy it. It is geared towards preschool to 2nd grade and is a great tool for learning early reading skills. It helps to teach phonics but can also enhance sight vocabulary as well. The ABC's section is for early reading and it lets you explore your letters and their phonetic sounds. There are great songs for each of the short vowel sounds and for each consonant there is a short activity which explores the letters sound and teaches you some words that start with each letter. Once children know their letters (and even before that) there are stories that you can read. If you click on each word it not only says the word for you, but it sounds it out phonetically, teaching you to do the same. There are lots of other fun activities too. I think it is one of the ...
As Gess is getting older we thought it was important to stress having some personal devotion time. I think she needs to know that she can pray and study God's Word anytime she chooses. We always begin her day learning something in the Bible together. Then I have her write and meditate on the portion of Scripture that was the focus for the day. Since she was doing some written work each day we thought it would be good to have a place to keep it all together so that could look it over later and remember what she has studied so far. So we made made her a notebook and titled it My Devotional and keep it with her bible. One of our early lessons this year was to memorize the 10 commandments. I recalled that Living Waters had a great resource for helping kids to memorize them so I went to their site and downloaded their 10 Commandments Learning Aids . They use these images to help tie the number to the actual commandment. They have a full presentation but here is the sheet with...