KU Study Researching Menstruation and Girls with Disabilities

Yes, I realize this is a sensitive topic but it's also very real to those of us trying address it with a child that has special needs. I plan on participating and thought I would share this for other moms with special young ladies. It's only an online survey but I am hoping through the course of this study they will come up with great helps in the future for those of us who have to face these very real and challenging struggles! I have seen his certificate of approval but if you want to learn more before participating just click on the link and at the bottom of the opening page you will find their contact information.


Survey about Menstruation (period) of Girls with Developmental Disabilities

Thank you so much for your interest in this study! Parents/Caretakers are invited to participate in a survey about the topic of Menstruation (period) of Girls with Developmental Disabilities. This survey is being conducted by Hye Ran Park, a doctoral candidate in special education at the University of Kansas.

What is the purpose of this study?

As you know, menstruation (period) is one of the puberty symptoms for every female regardless of whether or not a disability is present. However, there is little information or guidance for the parent or caretaker regarding the preparation of the young female with developmental disability for menstruation (periods) or about how to help her care for herself to whatever degree the young women can. Thus, your help and participation are needed in this survey in order to provide valuable information and support for families of females with developmental disabilities about menstruation (periods).

What does this study involve?

This study involves the completion of an online survey. If you agree to participate in this survey:

You will follow the link to the SurveyMonkeyTM website to find the survey

This survey should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete

Please proceed to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PMPRWKR


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