Steve Spangler Science

Within one of my homeschooling communities I found a really neat Science resource called Steve Spangler Science. Many of you may already be familiar with him as he has a weekly television segment in which he demonstrates some science experiments that kids can do at school and home. He has appeared on many news and talk shows and he just has a great way of making science fun and exciting for kids. Since "experiments" and hands on science is not really my thing I have found him quite informative as well as entertaining. I subscribe to his Experiment of the Week so I get each segment sent directly to my email. While Gess and I have watched several of his videos together we have not actually done many of them of ourselves. My husband has agreed to take that part over and soon we may have our own potato gun, or at least our own launcher!

Anyway, this week's video was particularly entertaining. Some of you may be aware of one of the big internet Youtube sensation the Evolution of Dance. If not, view it, it is pretty good! I had just recently been shown this video when yesterday in my Experiment of the Week I see that the video is titled "Evolution of Dance Guy Vanishes in Explosion." This just had to be fun! Indeed it was and Gess watched this over and over again. I can tell this will be a hit for a long time to come! Anyway, I just wanted to share, not only a fun video, but what I have found to be a great science resource: Steve Spangler Science.


Reading Widely said…
I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your blog. I have a 2 year old with down syndrome and plan to homeschool her when the time comes. It's nice to see that other people are already doing it and what methods you are finding work well. Thanks for sharing.
Andrew Pass said…
Thanks for this post. I just wanted to let you know that I linked to it on my own blog:
Beverly said…
Thanks, Noah and I will have to check these out.
I like your blog, too. It's so wonderful to find others who understand what a fine educator Steve Spangler is! My family is crazy about him. We love his Experiment of the Week, too! Thank you for this lovely post.
Susan Wells said…
Hi Lori - You have a wonderful blog. My brother in-law has down syndrome and I understand how important it is to find activities to do with your child. I also work for Steve Spangler Science and we are honored to be mentioned in your post. I'm glad you and Gess enjoyed the crazy video Steve and Judson made. It was really fun for us to watch live. A little dangerous too.

Have you tried Jelly Marbles? or Insta-Snow? with Gess? They are great for textile learning and I haven't met a kid who can put them down. If you haven't tried them, please email me and I will send you a sample.
Lori said…
I would love a sample but am not sure how to email you. Those do look awfully fun though, I bet she will love them!

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