Daily Bible Reading


I am so proud of Gess. She read through the entire New Testament last year! I posted about us attempting this in my New Year Project blog last year. Well, I wanted to tell you that we did it! I also thought I would share how we accomplished our goal.

At bibleplan.org you can sign up for several different Bible reading plans and they email you the passage you are to read for that day. In order to read the New Testament in a year you only have to read one chapter a day, and only on weekdays. So Gess and I would start our school morning off reading a Bible passage.

We also used the Readability tool that I mentioned before. I noticed that Gess would not read books where the print was small and I have had a hard time finding a bible in which she can both see the text and not get lost. For now, Readability on the computer has been the best way for her to read it. Readability is nice because it not only increases the font size, but also takes away all the other distractions on the web. Side bars, advertisements, other menus, etc. are all removed. All that you get is the actual main text of the page you are wanting to read. You can learn more about it and get it yourself here:

Gess and I would read one chapter a day. If for some reason we missed one due to sickness or something else we would catch up by reading two a day or read on the weekend instead. We would each take turns reading. I would read a verse or paragraph, then she would read the next one. On really long paragraphs I would sometimes highlight the text over just the part I wanted her to read. So while she read along with me, she was not required to read the entire chapter herself out loud. While she is a great reader, I was afraid it was a bit much to ask of her, especially since she had so many hard words to learn.

We read the NIV version of the bible and I am impressed with how well Gess did with many of the big words. She can read redemption, tabernacle and other various hard words. I did find it amusing when she read about the Chef Priests and things like that, but I always pointed out her mistakes and encouraged her to look closely at the words. One letter can make a world of difference! It also has been a good time to work on pronunciation and intelligibility. We work on "th," "l," "ch" sounds etc., as we read.

This was a great way to start the day. Just reading. It was great practice and her skills improved tremendously over the year. It also sparked many conversations about God, the bible, salvation and other important topics. We would end our reading with some time in prayer as well.

We are going to be doing this again this year. I will probably have her read more of it herself, and help her less and less. Maybe by the end of the year I will have her read each chapter by herself. I will still be there to listen. This is so I can make sure she not only reads it correctly, but understands what she reads.

My favorite part was reading the book of Revelation with Gesserine. When she found out some of the passages were angels or others singing in heaven, she made sure to sing those passages. So for the rest of the book if there was anything quoted by someone from heaven, she would sing it. There is nothing more precious then hearing my special girl sing the praises we will one day hear being sung in heaven. It was a great way to start the morning!


Tara said…
I am so impressed (and completely convicted...my older typical kids haven't completed reading the NT, yet)!!! WTG, Gess!!! That is awesome!

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