Special Olympics 2014

We had our first of two Special Olympic events this year. While Gess qualifies for state, due to scheduling conflicts we probably won't go. Here are pics from April 16, 2014. Waiting for the events to begin. Gess ran in the 50m Dash and the 100m Dash. Look at her determination to run hard. She took 4th place in the 50m and 6th out of 7 in the 100m. Here she was taking a break after a hard run. In the ball throw Gess took 6th place as well. This was her first year throwing a soft ball. She used to throw the tennis ball. I am sure her arm will strengthen. Her best event was the standing long jump where she took the silver. Here she is adorning all her awards for the day. It was very windy which made it awfully chilly. We took cover under our hoods to warm up. Here is her smile as she boarded the bus for the ride home. I think she had a great day.