Schoolhouse Review: Captivated DVD (MediaTalk101)

My latest review has been one of the most challenging I have ever done. God in His infinite wisdom brought this product to us at just the right time and I am so grateful for having seen it. I am also very eager to share it with all of you! The Captivated DVD by MediaTalk101 addresses the dangers of living in a media saturated society. Now before you start to think this is going to be some legalistic challenge to throw out your computer or TV, bear with me. It is not about that at all. It is about heeding the call of Scripture to take every thought captive, including those thoughts that come to us through some source of media outlet. We are indeed saturated by media and whether we admit it or not it does affect our every day life and it is impacting our culture as never before. They are very careful to point out that media can be used for good, but it can also be used for evil. It can either make us deeper or more shallo...