It's Not All Roses but It's Not All Thorns Either

With all the negative stereotypes around about persons with special needs and in particular Down syndrome I was very surprised when most of the negative responses to some of my posts have been from parents who have a child with Down syndrome. They seem to think that only posting positive aspects of what my daughter does gives a false impression about what life with DS is really like. It also seems to make them feel bad if their child is not able to do what my daughter can do. Let me assure you that it was never my intent to make another parent feel bad. What my intent was, and continues to be, is to encourage parents to try new things and ways of teaching their child and to show that people with Down syndrome can, and do, great things. I am aware that not all children with DS will be able to do what my daughter does but I am also aware that my daughter will not be able to do everything that other kids with or without DS can do. It is not about who ...