Every Year I Get Bigger Book

At the start of 2012 I blogged about the New Year Photo Book we were making that I found at No Time for Flash Cards . I wanted to post again today as a reminder to keep it going. I also hope to get some new readers in on the fun. We started this a few years ago as a great way to talk about how we "grow up." Gess always seemed to talk about growing up as if it happens once and then suddenly you can do something. "When I grow up I will drive." I didn't think she understood that it is a process that is continually happening. This book is a really fun way to show that progress. When we started the book we went back through old photos and chose one favorite from each year to put in the book. Now at the end of the year we go look for a fun experience or simply funny photo that will represent what Gess was like that year. While we want it to show her size we also want it to show her interests or her attitude and things like that. For this year we chose...