Schoolhouse Review: If You Were Me (Away We Go Media)

My most recent review turned out to be a pretty cool way for young kids to learn about far away places and cultures. Carole P. Roman with Away We Go Media has written a series of children's books titled If You Were Me . Each book shares what life was like in various places. For our review we received the books: If You Were Me and Lived in...Mexico If You Were Me and Lived in...South Korea If You Were Me and Lived in...France If You Were Me and Lived in...Norway What I loved about the way these books were written was that it wasn't just explaining what they do in that country. Instead they try to get you to imagine what it would be like if you lived there. The first page says something like "If you were me and lived in France, your home would be here in Western Europe." Then they show the illustration that is on the cover where they are pointing to that place on the globe. To make sure Gess got this we had her find it on the globe t...