Fostering Independence: Dental Hygiene and Special Needs

We took Gess to the dentist the other day and she had a very good report: still no cavities! Gess actually takes very good care of her teeth. We go for regular check ups twice a year and I worked hard to instill good habits in her. As I was talking with the hygienist, who also has a child with Down syndrome, I realized it might be helpful to share some of the things we have done. When Gess was younger she made quite the mess using toothpaste. It's hard to know just how much toothpaste to squeeze out of a tube and sometimes our kids lack the motor skills to squeeze it at all. I found that the pumps were much easier and neater for Gess to use. You can find them in many different brands for adults as well as children. One thing Gess always got from the dentist besides a toothbrush was a sand timer. It's a good visual way for children to see how long they should be brushing their teeth. We don't use them anymore now that Gess is 11, b...