Schoolhouse Review: Fascinating World of Mammals DVD

When we go to the library I find that Gess rents more educational DVDs than she does entertaining movies. She seems to enjoy learning about new things so when I had the opportunity to review The Fascinating World of Mammals DVD by BrainFood Learning I figured it would be something she would enjoy. The Fascinating World of Mammals uses a mixture of beautiful images and video footage of mammals in their natural habitat while explaining certain facts, key points and vocabulary words for each mammal. The Fascinating World of Mammals is a 52 minute DVD in which they say "children of all ages can benefit from the videos." While that is probably true I would recommend it for preschool up to around age 10. However, the vocabulary words on the video are pretty tough so there is something for older students as well I just don't know if they would enjoy watching it as much as the younger children will. The first segment defines what a mammal is and uses exampl...