The week behind and the week ahead

Well we had a really off school week. Between Gess being sick and myself having a few issues, there really wasn't much schooling. Gess had this really horrible stomach bug. Here she was when it started. She would be feeling horrible and then it would pass, or so we thought. A day or so later it would come back again, only to find her doing well the next day. We finally went to the doctor and apparently that's just been going around. While Gess had a rotten Friday and Saturday, today she is outside enjoying this beautiful spring day. It's the first day in awhile that has been both sunny and warm so I am glad she is feeling better. In fact, as I began writing this blog she came in to ask for some help. Can you see the problem? You have to look above her head. She had a hula hoop and a ball stuck in the tree. Daddy came to the rescue and got them down! I am hoping this week will be better health wise because we ...