Cursive Writing and Special Needs

There is a controversy these days about whether or not kids need to learn cursive writing. For typical kids they claim that technology is making the method obsolete. While that may be so, I think we are doing a huge disservice to our kids by not giving them skills that can and will help them in life. For kids with special needs the concerns are different. I remember reading early on that it was not necessary to teach it to children with DS who struggle with motor skill issues. I had all these thoughts tucked away in my head not having decided yet what I would do for Gess. Then over the summer I realized it was time to address it. I generally use my debit card when shopping and every time I sign my receipt Gess wants to sign too. She used to get really angry when I would not let her do it but we have a system now; I sign the store's copy and she signs mine. It makes us both happy and she is learning how the paying process works. It ...