Homeschooling With One Child

When you think of homeschooling you often picture a fairly large family with a lot of activity, however that is not always the case. There are some families in the homeschool community who, like mine, have only one child at home. Gess actually has two older brothers, but they are much older and no longer live at the house. The youngest of them graduated when she was only 4 years old. So, while Gess is not an only child, she is the only one at home and incidentally is the only one I have ever homeschooled. Homeschooling only one child has its advantages and disadvantages. I believe the advantages are obvious. How often have you heard people in public school complaining about class size and teacher to student ratios? That's because the smaller the class size the better the student performs. Well, it's hard to top a one to one student to teacher ratio! What student wouldn't have an advantage being the only one in the classroom? ...