Special Olympics

On Wednesday Gess participated in her 3rd Special Olympics. (This was the regional one, not the state wide competition.) Gess was supposed to be in the tennis ball throw, the standing long jump and the 50 meter dash. I had asked that she not be in the relay this year because we will have to miss that event during the state wide competition and may not even be able to go at all. Anyway, there was also some other mix up which meant that Gess didn't make it into the standing long jump. So Gess only had two competitions the tennis ball throw and her favorite, the 50 meter dash. I wish I had more pictures but for the last two years I was constantly taking them and this year I wanted to simply enjoy the event. We started off early in the morning and Gess was excited to get to ride on the big bus. Once we got there she got her number and was set up for the events. We had a little time before everything began so we hung out in the bleachers with ...