Making a Picture Graph

As you can see from my last post, the Summer of Socialization , I truly do try to let summer be summer. I am not really about spending our summers doing "school." However, since math is the subject that my daughter (and many children with DS) struggle with, I have tried to make sure we do some math drills. We have done some flash cards and math games to help her remember what math facts she has memorized, but I wanted something more fun. I pulled out our Teaching Math to People with Down Syndrome book and found a fun hands on activity titled "Making a Picture Graph." (You can find it in Book 1 on Page 154) Gess has been pretty good at reading simple graphs, but she hasn't really made one before. So what we did was ask her family members what their favorite flavor of ice cream was, giving them the choices of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. I wish I had saved the paper on which she collected the data. When I said I liked chocolate she spelled it "...