Family History: The Night The Stars Fell

In our Social Studies book Social Studies Made Simple , we are studying "change." In this unit students are to learn how change affects their lives. For this, we were to ask our family and friends to share stories and pictures from events that happened long ago. My father-in-law shared a great story about Gesserine's great, great, great, great grandfather who experienced the "Night the Stars Fell" in 1833. I will first share her article with you here. The Night The Stars Fell Nov. 12-13, 1833 William Sevedge and his family were in the process of moving to Hempstead County, Arkansas and were camped on the St. Francis River on the "Night the Stars Fell." The "Great Leonid Meteor Shower" that occurred on November 12-13, 1833 was referred to as the night the stars fell from the sky which is exactly what eye witnesses, such as my great, great, great, great grandfather William Sevedge and his family probably thought was happening. The storm t...