The Best Christmas Pageant Ever - The Play

Sorry I have not blogged recently but we have been really busy. Gess got a part in the local Community College's Production of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson. As a homeschooler I am really excited about Gess having an opportunity to be in a play. She did not get a speaking role as she was a bit shy around all the other children during the auditions. However, she is still in many other scenes. Her role is a church kid who sings in the angel choir. I have been very impressed at how good she does in the 4 scenes that she is on stage for, particularly after sitting through the many scenes she is not in. She is sitting fairly still, or at least as still as some of the other kids are. Gess gets to be really animated in a few scenes where she cheers for a bunch of rowdy kids or has to run out of the church screaming "fire!" She really gets into those scenes! There are some times where a few people around her have to help her out, such as making her...