The Summer Reading Program

Well, we are almost half-way to our required 20 books for our local Summer Reading Program at the library. Gess has done this every year since she was about 2. Back then I read the books to her, of course, but the last 2 years I made her read all the books herself in order to get the credit for them. We found the early readers and other books that were simple for to read. The first year we did this I had to help her quite a bit, but she still had to attempt to read it. Last year we repeated a lot of the easy reader books and she read them by herself. So this year we are toughening it up. Some of these books take her more than one day to finish because she has to work so hard to read and they are much longer than before. Of course, sometimes she refuses to stop so she is able finish a longer book in one sitting if she is really into the story. Here are the 9 books we have read so far. 1. Three Wise Old Women by Elizabeth Corbett 2. Bob and Otto by Rober...