Feeding the Ducks

School has been going well, not much new to tell. The weather has been really great though! My son and his girlfriend came over on Tuesday and wanted to take my daughter to feed the ducks, so we grabbed some left-over hamburger buns and off we went. My daughter, like most any other child, has always loved feeding the ducks (see how much our kids are just like yours!). What you might not know about my daughter is that duck became one of my daughter's first words (which was significant since she spoke very few of them for the first few years of her life). She could say, mom, dad, Jesus and then "duck." Why duck? Because of moments just like this! Every time we passed this park my daughter would use her very limited vocabulary to tell us she wanted yet another experience to interact with her beloved feathered friends. (This was also my first clue into realizing just how much of a "hands on" learner my daughter was.) I just thought I would share one of our ...