The Best Christmas Pageant Ever - The Play

I have been very impressed at how good she does in the 4 scenes that she is on stage for, particularly after sitting through the many scenes she is not in. She is sitting fairly still, or at least as still as some of the other kids are. Gess gets to be really animated in a few scenes where she cheers for a bunch of rowdy kids or has to run out of the church screaming "fire!" She really gets into those scenes!
There are some times where a few people around her have to help her out, such as making her face forward, hush her if she is trying to talk or help to escort her on and off the stage. I really appreciate how gently they help her out and how much she has been accepted by the cast and crew. I am really glad that I live in a community that cheerfully includes special kids into the mix. It has been lots of fun!
The true test of Gess' stamina will be this weekend as she has 4 performances of the play. One on Friday evening, 2 on Saturday and a Sunday matinee. With how well she has behaved during all the rehearsals I think it is safe to say she will do just fine. She really is growing up and it is apparent that her social skills are developing just fine.
